Faculty and PostDoc Positions Open at the Institute of Psychology

       Lab for Integrative NeuroImaging of Pain (LINIP) led by Prof. Joe Yazhuo Kong in the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences invites applications for a full-time faculty position at Assistant Professor level. Postdoctoral research fellow position is available immediately as well. Competitive salary will be provided by Chinese Academy of Sciences.

       Our group is dedicated to:

(1) Investigate the brain mechanism of encoding, characterisation, integration of sensory, itch, pain and empathy information;
(2) Build a multi-dimensional database of pain covering gene, behaviour and brain imaging data; explore the biological indicators and evaluation methods for chronic pain assessment;
(3) Develop multi-modal brain and spinal cord MRI protocols and cutting-edge decoding, network modelling, and machine learning techniques for acute and chronic pain research;
(4) Validate strategies for pain analgesia and treatment based on psychophysical methods.

  • Job responsibilities:

        Assist PI to conduct research related to cognitive neural mechanisms of pain using neuroimaging and psychophysiology methods; responsible for brain and spinal cord imaging data collection and analysis; supervise graduate students; conduct independent research and apply various grants. There will be opportunities to interact with the imaging groups in Oxford, Denmark, Germany and various Chinese institutions and hospitals.

  • Requirements:

        Ph.D. in psychology, neuroscience, computer or biomedical engineering, neurobiology and pain medicine etc is essential; experience in electrophysiology or brain MRI is preferred; good English writing skills; overseas study or work experience is preferred; good scientific research training, independent research capabilities, and a strong sense of responsibility and teamwork.

       Please send your CV and related documents to: kongyz@psych.ac.cn
       Please get in touch for informal chat about position and research group.

       About us: http://linip.psych.ac.cn
       WeChat official account: PNTRC-CAS