Our Team


Yazhuo Kong

Assistant Professor

Ming Zhang

Doctoral Students

Jiyuan Wang Yupu Zhu Zhaoxing Wei Leiyao Zhang

Master Students

Yuqi Zhang

Sino-Danish College

Xiao Yu Xiuyi Han

Research Assistant

Xiaomin Lin

Former Members

Guangyue Tian Jiahui Zhong Hong Li Laust

Yazhuo Kong(Joe)

Yazhuo Kong Principle Investigator
Cognitive and Developmental Psychology Research Office
Academic Positions

1996- 2001        Bachelor of automation, University of science and technology of China
2001- 2005        Department of psychology, University of Sheffield, UK
2006- 2008        Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester, UK postdoctoral
2009- 2016        researcher UK, University of Oxford, FMRIB Center
2017- present    researcher of Institute of psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Field

To explore the application of multimodal MR brain imaging technology (structural imaging, fMRI, DTI, ASL, MR spectroscopy, etc.)
1) how does the human central nervous system produce and regulate pain in acute and chronic environment;
2)the influence mechanism of consciousness, memory and emotion on pain;
3)brain stem and spinal cord functional brain imaging to study the mechanism of pain down regulation;
4)brain mechanism and analgesic strategy of chronic pain;

Welcome to join us to explore the brain mechanism and MRI research of pain!

Representative works

1. Chen X. *, Li H. *, Zhang Q., Wang J., Zhang W., Liu J., Li B., Xin Z., Liu J., Yin H., Chen J. #, Kong Y.#, Luo W. #, 2019. Combined fractional anisotropy and subcortical volumetric abnormalities in healthy immigrants to high altitude: A longitudinal study. Hum. Brain Mapp. 23, 3855. doi:10.1002/hbm.24696

2. Kong Y, Okoruwa H, Revis J, Leite M, Lee M, Tracey I, Palace P. (2016) Pain in patients with transverse myelitis and its relationship to aquaporin 4 antibody status. Pain. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 368, 84-88.

3. Eippert F*, Kong Y*, Beckmann C, Andersson J, Finsterbusch J, Büchel C, Brooks JCW, Tracey I. (2017) Investigating resting-state functional connectivity in the cervical spinal cord at 3T. NeuroImage. 147, 589–601.

4. Tseng TM, Kong Y, Eippert F and Tracey I. (2017) Determining the neural substrate for encoding a memory of human pain and the influence of anxiety. Journal of Neuroscience. 2 November 2017, 0750-17.

5. Kong Y*, Eippert F*, Beckmann C, Andersson J, Finsterbusch J, Büchel C, Tracey I, Brooks JCW (2014) “Resting State Networks of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord”, Proc Natl Acad Sci. vol. 111 no. 50, 18067-18072

6. Kong, Y., Jenkinson, M., Andersson, J., Tracey, I., & Brooks, J. C. W. (2012) Assessment of physiological noise modelling methods for functional imaging of the spinal cord. NeuroImage, 60(2), 1538–1549.

7. Kong Y, Mukherjee T, McKie S, Deakin J and Williams S. (2009) Analysis of connectivity in the resting state of the default mode of brain function: a major role for the cerebellum? International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control Vol. 9, No.3, pp. 236 – 246.

8. Kong Y, Zheng Y, Johnston D, Martindale J, Jones M, Billings S, Mayhew J (2004). A model of the dynamic relationship between blood flow and volume changes during brain activation. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 24, 1382-1392.