Our Team


Yazhuo Kong

Assistant Professor

Ming Zhang

Doctoral Students

Jiyuan Wang Yupu Zhu Zhaoxing Wei Leiyao Zhang

Master Students

Yuqi Zhang

Sino-Danish College

Xiao Yu Xiuyi Han

Research Assistant

Xiaomin Lin

Former Members

Guangyue Tian Jiahui Zhong Hong Li Laust

Jiahui Zhong

Jiahui Zhong Master Student
Jiahui Zhong
Grade 2018
Research Field

Pain, mental health, nostalgic analgesia


I take an interest in the individual differences of pain sensitivity, and its abnormal changes during substance addiction and withdrawal, and the analgesia effect of positive mental state, such as nostalgia. My ongoing research is focused on the analgesia effect of nostalgia among healthy people and its neural mechanisms using fMRI